As an example, refer to the following hypothetical rule:
pp *--> p, nbar, {2 covers npr}
What the above rule says is that a PP consists of a P and an NBar and that the second daughter in the rule, namely, NBar covers an NPR. In this context the field or region specified will be one that is topologically accessible to the sponsor of the mother node. Therefore, the NPR in the above example has to be topologically accessible to the phenogrammatical edge that resulted in the prediction of that PP. The NBar in this rule could, in principle, be larger than the NPR. For example, it might also contain an extraposed relative clause.
An example of a local matches constraint in German grammar is:
nbar *--> nbar, rp, { 2 matches nf ; 2 matches postf }
This rule states that an NBar consists of another NBar as well as an RP, which matches either a NF (extraposed) or PostF (adjacent to the head noun that it modifies) that is accessible to the sponsor of the mother NBar.
An example of splicing is given in the following rule:
pp *--> p, np, {2 matches npr+nf}
The above rule states that a PP is made up of a P and a NP, which matches the yield of some NPR and NF put together.
Compaction constraints apply to tectogrammatical categories and states that the elements in the list that is its argument be contiguous strings. As a global constraint, compaction applies this condition to all categories that are consistent with any of the elements in the argument list of the constraint.
states that all tectogrammatical
categories mentioned in CatList
are always contiguous
states that the
For example, the global rule compacts([s])
says that all Ss
form contiguous strings.
Precedence constraints mean that the daughter whose index is mentioned on the left-hand side must be entirely located before the daughter whose index is on the right-hand side. Note that this constraint does not make any assumptions about the contiguity of the daughters. As an example, one can provide the following hypothetical rule that states an NP consists of a determiner that precedes but might not be adjacent to an NBar with the same agreement features.
np *--> det, nbar, {1 < 2}
np *--> det, nbar, {1 << 2}
The topological parser in ALE is essentially an all-paths chart parser. It performs a phenogrammatical parse of the input string in a bottom-up fashion and once it finds a region that is matched by a tectogrammatical category, it predicts that category and performs a tectogrammatical parse. This continues until all of the input string has been consumed and all parses have been found.
Because this is an all-paths parser, we need to make sure that larger
tectogrammatical categories only have access to those smaller
categories that have been directly or indirectly predicted by the same
entity in phenogrammar. To do this, we have introduced the notion of
sponsorship. Whenever a phenogrammatical category predicts
some tectogrammatical category by introducing an active edge
into the chart, it passes its own ID
to it. We then say that the
sponsor of that active edge and all the other active edges introduced
in the course of finding
have the same sponsor with the ID
Active edges only have access to passive edges with the same sponsor.
This ensures that clauses and all other categories that can be
predicted from phenogrammar are largely parsed independently, which
also helps make parsing more efficient. The only time that a category
has access to another category with a different sponsor is when it
agrees to consume all of the yield of that category and not just parts
of it.
For example, in the sentence (10.3.6),
once the parser has found the embedded clause, it adds an active edge to the chart for a sentence and passes its own ID to it. This triggers a tectogrammatical parse of the embedded clause. Later on, when parsing the matrix clause, the parser can only gain access to the embedded clause only when it has agreed to take the embedded clause as a whole. It never gains access to the internal subtrees of it as the matrix clause has a different sponsor. This is shown in Figure 10.5.