[User's Manual]
[Code--Compiling Conditionals]
[Code--Coroutining Primitives]
SICStus Prolog follows a more complicated rule for computation than
traditional implementations of Prolog. Instead of simply evaluating
the leftmost rule in its search path, it evaluates the leftmost unblocked rule in its search path. This mechanism resembles
co-routines in imperative programming languages, i.e., suspending and
resuming different threads of control. SICStus Prolog provides some
built-in co-routining predicates some of which, that are relevant to
our discussion here, are as follows:
SICStus when/2 suspends a goal until (i) a variable is
instantiated or (ii) two variables are equated or inequated. The
latter case corresponds directly to structure-sharing and inequations
in typed feature structures. The former, if it were to be carried over
directly, would correspond to delaying until a variable was promoted
to a type more specific than . There are degrees of
instantiation in the logic of typed feature structures, however,
corresponding to subsumption chains that terminate in a most specific
type. With signature in which this chain is of length more than two,
a more general and useful primitive is then suspending until a
variable is promoted to a particular type. As discussed in the User's
Guide, ALE has its own version of
which is designed
for work with typed-feature structures. Table 6.1
shows how various when/2
calls in ALE are compiled.
Conjunction and disjunction of conditionals are compiled as
conjunctions and disjunctions respectively.
is used to delay Goal until
variable FS reaches type Type. To implement
, ALEactually uses the underlying
Prolog implementation of when/2. Types with no appropriate
features constitute the base case, in which only delaying on the
internal structure of the type's representation (which can be as
simple as the type's name or a compound term encoding) is necessary.
For types with appropriate features, we must ensure that our suspended
Goal does not fire in between the time when the internal
representation of a feature structure's type is updated, and when the
appropriateness conditions for that type are enforced on the
representation. To do otherwise would risk passing a non-well-typed
or even non-well-formed representation in FS to the delayed
Goal. What when_type/3
must do is thus delay on the
entire structure of the (well-typed) most general satisfier of its
Type argument, relative just to appropriateness and the type
system, i.e., without considering any implicational constraints. That
most general satisfier is guaranteed not to have any structure-sharing
since appropriateness is not able to require this. As a result, only
recursively delaying on the value restrictions of its appropriate
features is necessary.
More specifically, when_type/3
delays the execution of Goal until such time that FS is not a variable and Type
subsumes the type of FS. If it does not subsume the type of FS, then the execution of Goal is suspended until Type
is an appropriate value restriction for the type of FS. If Type and the type of FS are not unifiable, then the
declaration is abondoned.
Another co-routining predicate used in ALE is when_eq/3
Basically, when_eq(FS1,FS2,Goal)
suspends Goal until
FS1 == FS2. This is implemented using Prolog when/2
together with ?=/2.
A similar co-routining predicate, when_a_(X,FS,Goal)
, delays
the execution of Goal until the feature structure FS
becomes the argument of the a_
atom used in X.
is a very similar predicate, but rather than using
==/2 as in when_a_/3
, it uses subsumes_chk/2
see whether X subsumes the argument of a_
. This is
necessary for checking appropriateness conditions with a_/1
value restrictions, in which token-identity of variables has no
Delaying on appropriateness restrictions is performed by
which, as stated above, delays Goal until, Type becomes an appropriate value restriction for