In this phase, the compiler goes through the instructions and using its knowledge about the type signature on which the grammar is based, it gathers all the necessary information about the description. Before we go any further, we need to define the concept of mode.
When compiling a description, ALE needs to keep track of the information that it has about that description at any given time. This information may not refer to just one feature structure sometimes. For instance, if a description is used in the context of a phrase-structure rule, it may contain variables that have scope over the whole rule. All of the information that ALE has about a description within the current variable scope context (i.e., a phrase-structure rule, complex-antecedent constraints, or simply a line of ALE code) is referred to as mode. We can think of mode as a partial function from the union of all paths and variables to totally well-typed feature structures.
In ALE, mode is represented as paths for terms. We call this Mode. A slightly different kind of Mode is used to keep track of the information ALE has about variables.
When sorting, ALE starts with a minimal Mode (typically
), and begins going through the instructions adding information
as necessary. Let us continue working through our running example from
the previous section. The first instruction to process, then, is
type [],phrase
. What we do at this point is add the most
general satisfier of phrase to Mode (in this case ).
This results in the promotion of
to phrase which also
entails adding all the features introduced by phrase (in this
case, only DTRS; see Figure 4.1). ALE goes
through the other instructions similarly. When a path is encountered,
as in the second instruction
type [dtrs], hc_struct
starts at the end of the path (i.e., the terminal path []
), and
unifies the most general satisfier of the introducer of each feature
in the path with the Mode. Note that each nonterminal element in
the path refers to a feature. In order to access the value of that
feature, ALE needs to make sure that it has access to it, meaning
that the Mode contains the most general satisfier of the
introducer of that feature. That is why we add the most general
satisfier of each element to the Mode. Each instruction,
therefore, potentially changes the Mode. If an instruction fails
to modify the Mode, it is considered redundant and thus
eliminated. An example of this is instruction 2. In this case, ALE
ends up not adding anything to the Mode because (assuming that
our type signature includes what is depicted in
Figure 4.1) all phrases have a DTRS feature with
the value restriction hc-struct.
After this overview, let us see how each kind of instruction is utilized to potentially modify the Mode. A summary of the actions that ALE takes on the face of each kind of instruction is provided in Table 4.2.
The arguments of each function are associated with two type
specifications: an input type and an output type. Because ALE is a
logic-programming language, each argument in a function can
potentially be an input or an output argument. The type declarations
for the arguments of functions are written as
pairs. When the user specifies only a
single type for the argument of a function, as in Type
interprets that as Type-Type
. Therefore,
foo(t,u,v).is equivalent to
When executing fun
instructions, ALE does not add the type
of the input Mode of the function to the Mode. Instead, it
just checks to see if the path corresponding to each argument in the
function has the input Mode. For instance in the case of
append 2,[0,1]
, it only makes sure that the mode corresponding
to the variables 0 and 1 has the type list in its
Earlier, we mentioned that the initial Mode typically starts
with . This is true for most descriptions except type-antecedent
constraints and relational calls. In the case of a type-antecedent
constraint, Type cons Cons, the initial Mode is the most
general satisfier of Type. In the case of a relational call, on
the other hand, the initial Mode is the most general satisfier
of the input Mode.
If during sorting adding a type to the Mode fails at some point, an error message is displayed to the user. If the failure happens within a disjunction however, we wait to see if the other disjunction fails as well. If it does, we complain to user; and if it does not, we will simply eliminate the disjunct that fails together with the disjunction operator.