Next: TRALE-EXTENSION:Installing [incr TSDB()]
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There is code that generates output for the profiling and test suite
management tool [incr TSDB()] (
developed by Stephan Oepen. If you want to implement larger grammar
fragments it is recommended to use this tool. It provides the
following functionality (and much more):
- storing time, number of passive edges, memory requirements, errors for every parsed
- compare test runs (performance, coverage, overgeneration)
- detailed comparison on item basis of
- number of readings/edges
- the derivations (i.e. tree structure with rule names)
- the MRSes
- test parts of test suites on a phenomenon basis or some other selection
from your test items (restrictions may be formulated in SQL queries)
The [incr TSDB()] uses the Parallel Virtual Machine. If you have
several CPUs idle you may distribute the processing of your test suite
over several machines which enormously shortens the time needed for
testing and speeds up grammar development.
TRALE User's Manual