Grammar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type sub Subtypes (intro [F1:R1,...,Fn:Rn]). (Subtyping) Type intro [F1:R1,...,Fn:Rn]. (Appropriateness) ext([Type1,...,Typen]). (Extensionality) (Types not otherwise declared, but used in the above definitions are assumed to be maximal and/or immediately subsumed by bot) Type cons Desc (Type Constraint) (goal Goal). Word ---> Desc. (Lexical Entry) empty Desc. (Empty Category) RuleName lex_rule DescIn **> DescOut (Lexical Rule) (if Goal) morph X becomes [X,e,s] when PrologGoal. RuleName rule Desc ===> (Phrase Structure Rule) cat> Desc/ [Daughter] cats> ListDesc/ [List of Daughters] sem_head> Desc/ [Semantic Head] goal> Goal/ [Procedural Attachment] sem_goal> Goal. [P.A. to Semantic Head] f(Desc1,...,Descn) if g(Desc1,...,Descn)/ (Definite Clause) Desc1 =@ Desc2/ (Extensionality Check) prolog(PrologGoal). (Prolog Hook) fun(Desc1,...,Descn) +++> DescResult. (Function Declaration) macro(X1,...,Xn) macro Desc. (Macro Declaration) semantics Pred. (Semantic Pred. Declaration)
Compile-time Options ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ?- parse/generate/parse_and_gen. (Compilation Mode) | ?- lex_consult/lex_compile. (Lexicon Compilation Mode) | ?- (no)adderrs. (Toggle Description Errors) | ?- (no)subtest. (Toggle Subsumption Check) | ?- chain_length(Num). (Chain Rule Length Bound) | ?- lex_rule_depth(Num). (Lexical Rule Depth Bound) Compilation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ?- (d)compile_gram(GramFile). (Grammar Compilation) | ?- update_lex(File). (Incremental Lexicon Update) | ?- retract(all)_lex. (Incremental Lexicon Retraction) Grammar Inspection ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ?- (no_)write_type(s). (Type Hiding/Showing) | ?- (no_)write_feat(s). (Feature Hiding/Showing) | ?- show_type Type. (Signature Inspection) | ?- unify_type(Type1,Type2,LUB). (Type Unification) | ?- approp(Feat,Type,Restr). (Appropriateness Inspection) | ?- introduce(Feat,Type). (Feature Introduction) | ?- iso_desc(Desc1,Desc2). (Extensional Identity) | ?- mgsat Desc. (Most General Satisfier) | ?- show_clause PredName(/Arity). (Definite Clause) | ?- lex Word. (Lexical Entry) | ?- rule Rulename. (Phrase Structure Rule) | ?- empty. (Empty Category) | ?- macro Macro. (Macro Definition) | ?- lex_rule Lexrulename. (Lexical Rule) | ?- export_words(Stream,Delim). (Lexicon Export) Execution ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ?- (d)rec WordList. (Bottom-up Parsing) | ?- (d)query Query. (SLD Resolution) | ?- (d)gen Desc. (Head-Driven Generation) Run-time Options ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ?- (no)interp. (Toggle Mini-Interpreter) | ?- edge(Left,Right). (Chart Edge Inspection) | ?- dleash(+/-Kind). (Port Leashing) | ?- dskip(+/-Kind). (Port Auto-Skipping) | ?- dclear_bps. (Breakpoint Clearing)