a_/1 atom declared subsumed by type
Subsumption over a_/1 atoms has a fixed definition. Subtyping specifications with a_/1 atoms are not allowed.
add_to could not unify and
The unification between feature structures and failed.
add_to could not unify paths and in
The unification between paths and failed in feature structure failed.
add_to could not inequate and
The inequation between features structures and could not been satisfied.
add_to could not add feature to
The value of feature is not unifiable with the similar value in feature structure .
add_to could not add undefined macro to
Macro used in feature structure is undefined.
add_to could not add incompatible type to
Type is not compatible with the type of feature structure .
add_to could not add undefined type to
Type in feature structure is undefined.
add_to could not add ill formed complex description to
Description is ill formed and could not be unified with feature structure
appropriateness cycle following path from type
There is a sequence of features which must be defined for objects of type where the value must be of type .
bot has appropriate features
The most general type, , cannot have any appropriate features.
bot has constraints
The most general type, , must not have cons constraints.
cats> value with sort is not a valid list argument
An argument of cats> was detected at run-time, which is not of a type subsumed by list.
consistent and have multiple mgus
Types and have the non singleton set as their set of most general unifiers.
constraint declaration given for atom
a_/1 atoms must not have cons constraints.
description uses unintroduced feature
A description uses the feature which has not been defined as appropriate for any types.
edge/2: arguments must be non-negative
The arguments to edge/2 represent nodes in a parsing chart, and thus must be non-negative integers.
edge/2: first argument must be < second argument
The arguments to edge/2 represent nodes in a parsing chart. Edges only span from one node to an equal or greater valued node. edge/2 shows edges where the other node has a greater value. empty/0 shows edges where the node has an equal value.
extensional type is not maximal
Type is declared extensional but does not observe the maximality restriction.
feature multiply introduced at
The feature is introduced at the types in , which are not comparable with one another.
illegal variable occurence in sub (intro )
In subtype/feature specifications, neither or any of the types in or , or any of the features in can be unbound variables. If a value restriction is an a_/1 atom, that atom can be unbound, or contain unbound variables, but the a_/1 operator must still appear.
incompatible restrictions on feature at type are
The inherited restrictions, consisting of types , on the value of at type are not consistent.
invalid line in rule
A line of a grammar rule is neither a goal nor a category description.
lexical rule lacks morphs specification
The obligatory morphs part of lexical rule is missing.
multiple constraint declaration error for
More than one cons declaration exists for type .
multiple feature specifications for type
The appropriate features of can be introduced along with subtyping or by themselves, but there can only be one declaration of appropriate features.
multiple specification for in declaration of
More than one restriction on the value of feature is given in the definition of type .
no lexical entry for
Expression is used, but has no lexical entry.
pathval: illegal path specified -
Path is not a valid path specification for the given feature structure.
rule has multiple sem_head> specifications
More than one semantic head declaration was found in grammar rule .
rule has no cat> cats> or sem_head>
The grammar rule named is empty in that it does not have any daughter specification.
rule has wrongly placed sem_goal>
A sem_goal> specification occurs somewhere other than immediately before or immediately after a sem_head> specification in rule .
subtype/feature specification given for a_/1 atom
Subsumption over a_/1 atoms has a fixed definition, and they can have no features. Subtype or feature specifications for them are not allowed.
subtyping cycle at
The subsumption relation specified is not anti-symmetric. It can be inferred that the type is a proper subtype of itself.
subtype used in undeclared
Undefined type declared as subtype in definition of .
multiply defined
There is more than one definition of type .
subsumes bot
is declared as subsuming the most general type, .
used in appropriateness definition of
Undefined type used as value restriction in definition of .
undefined macro used in description
A description uses a macro which is not defined.
undefined type used in description
A description uses a type which is not defined.
undefined feature used in path
A path of features uses undefined feature in a description.
unsatisfiable lexical entry for
Word has a lexical entry which has no satisfying feature structure.
upward closure fails for in and
subsumes , but the value restriction for at does not subsume the value restriction for at .